Case Studies Building Management Case Studies Sheraton Stanford / Starwood Hotels University of Connecticut's Husky Village HVAC & Refrigeration Case Studies AeroSeal Case Study: Jim Muir AeroSeal Case Study: NYS Medical Center AeroSeal Case Study at Nemours Children's Clinic AeroSeal Case Study: Syracuse University AeroSeal Case Study: VA Medical Center Frigi-Tech Oil Supplement Test Frigi-Tech: State of Texas Frigi-Tech: Richard Ellis, Las Vegas Frigi-Tech: HKU Central Plant Water Conservation Case Studies The State of Texas Frigi-Tech Chiller Efficiency Evaluation Frigi-Tech Oil Supplement Test Energy Saving Report Of Frigi-Tech Oil Additive Application In HKU Central Plant HydrFlow Case Study - 600 and 700 HP Steam Boilers HydrFlow: Cooling Towers and Chillers HydroFlow at the J. B. Messerly Water Pollution Control Plant